Webinar today: the Varieties of Loop Invariants

I did not have time to complete my Monday post this week; it will be for next Monday (title: Never design a language). In the meantime, here is the announcement for today’s Saint Petersburg Software Engineering seminar , which can be followed live at http://sel.ifmo.ru/seminar/live (19:30 Saint Petersburg time, meaning 16:30 Zurich/Paris, 7:30 PDT on 12 January 2012), duration about one hour.

I will be talking today; the topic is “The varieties of loop invariants”, reporting on joint work with Carlo Furia and Sergey Velder. The abstract appears below.

A recording of previous talks, starting from those of last week, will soon be available on the seminar page.



The key practical issue in verifying software is to come up with the right loop invariants. We are performing an extensive analysis of loop invariants in important algorithms across all major areas of computer science, and have developed a taxonomy. I will present some of the results of this ongoing work, performed with Sergey Velder (ITMO) and Carlo Furia (ETH).

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