Concurrent programming is easy

EiffelStudio 6.8, released last month, contains the first official implementation of the SCOOP programming model for concurrent programming. This is an important milestone; let me try to explain why.

Concurrency challenging us

Concurrency is the principal stumbling block in the progress of programming. Do not take just my word for it:

  • Intel: “Multi-core processing is taking the industry on a fast-moving and exciting ride into profoundly new territory. The defining paradigm in computing performance has shifted inexorably from raw clock speed to parallel operations and energy efficiency” [1].
  • Rick Rashid (head of Microsoft Research):  “Multicore processors represent one of the largest technology transitions in the computing industry today, with deep implications for how we develop software.” [2].
  • Bill Gates: “Multicore: This is the one which will have the biggest impact on us. We have never had a problem to solve like this. A breakthrough is needed in how applications are done on multicore devices.” [3]
  • David Patterson: “Industry has basically thrown a Hail Mary. The whole industry is betting on parallel computing. They’ve thrown it, but the big problem is catching it.” [4]
  • Gordon Bell: “I’m skeptical until I see something that gives me some hope…  the machines are here and we haven’t got it right.” [4].

What has happened? Concurrency  used to be a highly specialized domain of interest to a small minority of programmers building operating systems and networking systems and database engines. Just about everyone else could live comfortably pretending that the world was sequential. And then suddenly we all need to be aware of concurrency. The principal reason is the end of Moore’s law as we know it [5].

The end of Moore's law as we know it

This chart show that we can no longer rely on the automatic and regular improvement to our programs’ performance, roughly by a factor of two every two years, thanks to faster chips. The free lunch is over; continued performance increases require taking advantage of concurrency, in particular through multithreading.

Performance is not the only reason for getting into concurrency. Another one is user convenience: ever since the first browser showed that one could write an email and load a Web page in the same window, users have been clamoring for multithreaded applications. Yet another source of concurrency requirements is the need to produce Internet and Web applications.

How do programmers write these applications? The almost universal answer relies on threading mechanisms, typically offered through some combination of language and library mechanisms: Java Threads, .NET threading, POSIX threads, EiffelThreads. The underlying techniques are semaphores and mutexes: nineteen-sixties vintage concepts, rife with risks of data races (access conflicts to a variable or resource, leading to crashes or incorrect computations) and deadlocks (where the system hangs). These risks are worse than the classical bugs of sequential programs because they are very difficult to detect through testing.

Ways to tame the beast

Because the need is so critical, the race is on — a “frantic” race in the words of a memorable New York Times article by John Markoff [4] — to devise a modern programming framework that will bring concurrent programming under control. SCOOP is a contender in this battle. In this post and the next I will try to explain why we think it is exactly what the world needs to tame concurrency.

The usual view, from which SCOOP departs, is that concurrent programming is intrinsically hard and requires a fundamental change in the way programmers think. Indeed some of the other approaches that have attracted attention imply radical departures from accepted programming paradigm:

  • Concurrency calculi such as CSP [6, 7], CCS [8] and the π-Calculus [9] define  high-level mathematical frameworks addressing concurrency, but they are very far from the practical concerns of programmers. An even more serious problem is that they focus on only some aspects of programming, but being concurrent is only one property of a program, among many others (needing a database, relying on graphical user interface, using certain data structures, perform certain computations…). We need mechanisms that integrate concurrency with all the other mechanisms that a program uses.
  • Functional programming languages have also offered interesting idioms for concurrency, taking advantage of the non-imperative nature of functional programming. Advocacy papers have argued for Haskell [10 and Erlang [11] in this role. But should the world renounce other advances of modern software engineering, in particular object-oriented programming, for the sake of these mechanisms? Few people are prepared to take that step, and (as I have discussed in a detailed article [12]) the advantages of functional programming are counter-balanced by the superiority of the object-oriented model in its support for the modular construction of realistic systems.

What if we did not have to throw away everything and relearn programming from the ground up for concurrency? What if we could retain the benefits of five decades of software progress, as crystallized in modern object-oriented programming? This is the conjecture behind SCOOP: that we can benefit from all the techniques we have learned to make our software reliable, extendible and reusable, and add concurrency to the picture in an incremental way.

From sequential to concurrent

A detailed presentation of SCOOP will be for next Monday, but let me give you a hint and I hope whet your appetite by describing how to move a typical example from sequential to concurrent. Here is a routine for transferring money between two accounts:

transfer (amount: INTEGER ; source, target: ACCOUNT)
               -- Transfer amount dollars from source to target.
               enough: source·balance >= amount
         source·withdraw (amount)
         target·deposit (amount)
               removed: source·balance = old source·balance – amount
               added: target·balance = old target·balance + amount

The caller must satisfy the precondition, requiring the source account to have enough money to withdraw the requested amount; the postcondition states that the source account will then be debited, and the target account credited, by that amount.

Now assume that we naïvely apply this routine in a concurrent context, with concurrent calls

        if acc1·balance >= 100 then transfer (acc1, acc2, 100) end


        if acc1·balance >= 100 then transfer (acc1, acc3, 100) end

If the original balance on acc1 is 100, it would be perfectly possible in the absence of a proper concurrency mechanism that both calls, as they reach the test acc1·balance >= 100, find the property to be true and proceed to do the transfer — but incorrectly since they cannot both happen without bringing the balance of acc1 below zero, a situation that the precondition of transfer and the tests were precisely designed to rule out. This is the classic data race. To avoid it in the traditional approaches, you need complicated and error-prone applications of semaphores or conditional critical regions (the latter with their “wait-and-signal” mechanism, just as clumsy and low-level as the operations on semaphores).

In SCOOP, such data races, and data races of any other kind, cannot occur. If the various objects involved are to run in separate threads of control, the declaration of the routine will be of the form

transfer (amount: INTEGER ; source, target: separate ACCOUNT)
               -- The rest of the routine exactly as before.

where separate is the only specific language keyword of SCOOP. This addition of the separate marker does the trick. will result in the following behavior:

  • Every call to transfer is guaranteed exclusive access to both separate arguments (the two accounts).
  • This simultaneous reservation of multiple objects (a particularly tricky task when programmers must take care of it through their own programs, as they must in traditional approaches) is automatically guaranteed by the SCOOP scheduler. The calls wait as needed.
  • As a consequence, the conditional instructions (if then) are no longer needed. Just call transfer and rely on SCOOP to do the synchronization and guarantee correctness.
  • As part of this correctness guarantee, the calls may have to wait until the preconditions hold, in other words until there is enough money on the account.

This is the desired behavior in the transition from sequential to concurrent. It is achieved here not by peppering the code with low-level concurrent operations, not by moving to a completely different programming scheme, but by simply declaring which objects are “separate” (potentially running elsewhere.

The idea of SCOOP is indeed that we reuse all that we have come to enjoy in modern object-oriented programming, and simply declare what needs to be parallel, expecting things to work (“principle of least surprise”).

This is not how most of the world sees concurrency. It’s supposed to be hard. Indeed it is; very hard, in fact. But the view of the people who built SCOOP is that as much of the difficulty should be for the implementers. Hence the title of this article: for programmers, concurrency should be easy. And we think SCOOP demonstrates that it can be.

SCOOP in practice

A few words of caution: we are not saying that SCOOP as provided in EiffelStudio 6.8 is the last word. (Otherwise it would be called 7.0.) In fact, precisely because implementation is very hard, a number of details are still not properly handled; for example, as discussed in recent exchanges on the EiffelStudio user group [13], just printing out the contents of a separate string is non-trivial. We are working to provide all the machinery that will make everything work well, the ambitious goals and the practical details. But the basics of the mechanism are there, with a solid implementation designed to scale properly for large applications and in distributed settings.

In next week’s article I will describe in a bit more detail what makes up the SCOOP mechanisms. To get a preview, you are welcome to look at the documentation [14, 15]; I hope it will convince you that despite what everyone else says concurrent programming can be easy.


[1] Official Intel statement, see e.g. here.

[2] Rich Rashid, Microsoft Faculty Summit, 2008.

[3] This statement was cited at the Microsoft Faculty Summit in 2008 and is part of the official transcript; hence it can be assumed to be authentic, although I do not know the original source.

[4] Patterson and Bell citations from John Markoff, Faster Chips Are Leaving Programmers in Their Dust, New York Times, 17 December 2007, available here.

[5] The chart is from the course material of Tryggve Fossum at the LASER summer school in 2008.

[6] C.A.R. Hoare: em>Communicating Sequential Processes, Prentice Hall, 1985, also available online.

[7] Bill Roscoe: The Theory and Practice of Concurrency, revised edition, Prentice Hall, 2005, also available online.

[8] Robin Milner: Communication and Concurrency, Prentice Hall, 1989.

[9] Robin Milner: Communicating and Mobile Systems: The π-calculus, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

[10] Simon Peyton-Jones: Beautiful Concurrency, in Beautiful Code, ed. Greg Wilson, O’Reilly, 2007, also available online.

[11] Joe Armstrong: Erlang, in Communications of the ACM, vol. 53, no. 9, September 2010, pages 68-75.

[12] Bertrand Meyer: Software Architecture: Functional vs. Object-Oriented Design, in Beautiful Architecture, eds. Diomidis Spinellis and Georgios Gousios, O’Reilly, 2009, pages 315-348, available online.

[13] EiffelStudio user group; see here for a link to current discussions and to join the group.

[14] SCOOP project documentation at ETH, available here.

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  1. David Le Bansais says:

    As far as I know, evaluation of ‘source·balance >= amount’ takes place in the SCOOP manager, and a balance must be found between the time it takes to perform this evaluation, and how fast control can be transferred to the routine when it becomes true.

    For instance, if it’s evaluated 100 times per second, on average it will take roughly 5ms for ‘transfer’ to be executed once the account has enough credit.

    There are situation where a faster reaction time is required. There are of course solutions to this issue, like increasing the number of evaluations per second.

    Is there a plan to address this concern? In my opinion it should be considered, or SCOOP will not be well received in the world of real-time applications.

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  2. […] Bertrand Meyer's technology blog » Blog Archive » Concurrent programming is easy Interesting concurrency construct – "separate". Concurrent programming is easy (tags: […]

  3. colin-adams says:

    (Not so directly relevant to this article)

    I took the opportunity to read the following, as you mentioned it:

    [12] Bertrand Meyer: Software Architecture: Functional vs. Object-Oriented Design, in Beautiful Architecture, eds. Diomidis Spinellis and Georgios Gousios, O’Reilly, 2009, pages 315-348,

    What struck me most about this was the very high importance you seem to place on CQS – something which I fully agree with. However, Eiffel suffers greatly in practice (as opposed to the theory that all Eiffel programmers respect the principle) from it only being a principle, and not checked/enforced by the compiler.

    The reason being is that in practice very few (perhaps none) programmers adhere to it all of the time. I work for a company that uses Eiffel extensively, and it is used by a great variety of developers. These range from experienced professional developers, to other professions who use Eiffel regularly, through to very occasional users. And all contribute to the same codebase.

    Within all these strata, there are a variety of attitudes to CQS – ignorance of it; outright opposition to it; use it much of the time; always use it without fail (and shades in between). I fall into the last category.

    Except, I cannot in practice be sure that I always manage to follow the principle, despite my best intentions and care. Because others do not always adhere to the principle, I cannot be sure, in practice, that a function I call from within the function I am writing will not actually have an observable side-effect. In order to be certain, I have to recursively inspect each function that I call. This rapidly becomes impractical. We need compiler support.

    Because I am very alert to the issue, I have become adept at spotting “functions” that are liable to violate CQS – clues such as the name (write_to_database might raise suspicions :-) ), the author, or just familiarity with well-known used offending routines (e.g. {MUTEX}.try_lock). Yet time and again I later find ones that slip past my guard (usually revealed by the stack-trace of a crash).

    We need compiler support. In my opinion this is the number one priority for Eiffel.

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  4. […] [3] Concurrent Programming is Easy, article from this blog, available here. […]

  5. I couldn’t agree more with the title “Concurrent programming is easy”. Actually it is easier than “sequential” programming if most of us wouldn’t have been brainwashed by an education that is driven by sequential programming. I call it the von Neumann syndrome. Because processors were driven by a sequential paradigm, programming languages (as an abstraction layer) have followed this approach. And while Object Oriented tried to do something about it, it is driven by a data-centric view, just like functional programming is driven by an algorithmic view (on data-structures). Often both have a subliminal shared memory view. Both are a step forward, but both lack the view that programming is really modelling and what we model is a real or virtual world. The world is concurrent by nature. So the right approach is to have a programming paradigm that reflects this reality. This might not always seem to get the best possible performance, but what the heck if context switches are now measured in microseconds or even less. The gain comes from the orthogonal and clean architecture and often offsets the dead code that other paradigms often bring with them. In IT type applications, the dead code content can reach 99%.
    Therefore I was first of all a bit astonished about the negative comments on CSP and its alikes. Granted pure CSP is too simple or rather too low level to model real-world behaviour, but that’s why it is a mathematical concept. Programming takes a sound concept and then gives it a “useability” layer.
    This is what we did and we called it the “Interacting Entities” paradigm. Almost anything can be modelled by it, especially if one allows the interactions to have some active content. Entities are by definition active hence they become the processes and tasks. They are sequential threads (or rather functions) with a private workspace (hence context), really sequential segments stiched together by interaction points. The interactions synchronise between the intities, often involving a synchronisation followed by a interaction specific action (like become active again or passing data or whatever needs to be done upon synchronisation). Their mathematical equivalents are called Guarded (atomic) Actions.
    This approach solves the issues raised against the concurrency calculi and supports the “other mechanisms that a program uses”. First of all, the sequential parts are what we had before. Hence any existing sequential code can be reused. But it introduces support as well for the other things like “database access, GUI, etc.,….) because it gives an easy way to integrate them. Just use the interaction (we call it a “hub”) as an interface. The rest is defining a protocol that e.g. includes resource protection akka atomic access, if needed. The resulting system is more similar to a telecommunication system whereby protocols and packet switching provide seamless connectivity between concurrent users and servers.
    As we were driven by the needs of the embedded real-time world, this was (formally developed using TLA+) and implemented as a distributed RTOS. It even supports heterogeneous systems in a transparent way. Code size per node is about 5 KBytes and it ingrates legacy OS and sequential code. There is a python implemenation as well, although this one is a lot slower but it shows the generality of the concept.
    see and the book “Formal development of a network centric RTOS” and see

    Great web blog. I got the hint from Such website are important as they give insight and that’s what students need more than ever these days.

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