Archive for the ‘Publication announcement’ Category.

New article: obituary of Niklaus Wirth

Bertrand Meyer: Obituary for Niklaus Wirth, in Formal Aspects of Computing, volume 37, issue 2, pages 1-11, published 3 March 2025, available here (publisher’s site).

Shortly after Niklaus Wirth — Turing Award winner for his many seminal contributions including Pascal, Algol W, Modula, virtual machines, Lilith/Ceres, railway diagrams, PL/360, seminal textbooks…  — passed away last year, I wrote a long blog article about him. Jim Woodcock, editor of Formal Aspects of Computing, asked me to adapt it for the journal. The result has just been published.

It is not a traditional eulogy; rather, a free-ranging discussion of Wirth’s achievements and my personal analysis of his ideas. Wirth’s career is well-documented elsewhere; my article does not replace encyclopedia entries (or the many talks by Wirth and interviews of him available for example on YouTube), but is more like one side (sadly) of a dialog on programming, languages, methods, tools and the evolution of our common discipline.

Its appearance in Formal Aspects of Computing is apposite: even though Wirth would probably not have characterized himself as a formal methods person, he did work with Tony Hoare on axiomatic language specifications, and all his work shows  the same kind of precision and rigor that characterizes formal methods work. I hope my account of his contributions will help make them better known and perpetuate his memory.

Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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New preprint: Lessons from Formally Deployed Software Systems

Li Huang, Sophie Ebersold, Alexander Kogtenkov, Bertrand Meyer and Yinling Liu, Lessons from Formally Verified Deployed Software Systems, submitted for publication (since March 2023), preprint available here for the full version (with detailed review of all 32 projects) and here for a shorter one (with same core content but only 11 detailed reviews, the others summarized in a table).

Formal methods of software construction, using mathematical techniques to ensure their correctness and (whenever possible) to prove it using automatic tools, now have a long history but they remain controversial. Questions linger, in particular, on their applicability in an industrial setting. This is the kind of question with opinions galore but limited published evidence. This article is a detailed survey of 32 formally-verified industrial systems, intended to provide firm data on the state of application of formal methods to industry —successes, challenges, limitations, lessons.

The paper resulted from an attempt to identify as many  such formally-verified systems actually deployed in industry as possible. Some of the projects were selected thanks to a questionnaire that we sent out to many forums; others were found through a variety of sources. Out of many initially identified projects the articles covers 32; other than interest and relevance, the criteria for selection included our ability to find detailed information about them and verify that information. Whenever possible we used published accounts, but for some of the most interesting systems deployed in industry little is available in the literature; we only retained those for which we could get and validate information from the projects themselves, over the course of many interactions.

The article is focused on facts and figures, not opinions. Although the authors are actively engaged in using formal methods, we have no axe to grind, if only because we know, from that very practice, what the challenges are. The article is neither for formal methods nor against formal methods; it helps readers form their own opinions by providing a wealth of carefully verified information about projects that have applied formal verification in an industrial setting. I can safely assert that there is no comparable body of work available anywhere; while there have been excellent surveys of formal methods and software verification before (the article has a dedicated section in which it reviews many of them), none has gone into the present study’s level of detailed study and analysis of actual projects, much of which not available anywhere else (particularly in the case of information gleaned from interacting with the project members themselves but not previously published).

I believe therefore that this study deserves to be known by anyone interested in software verification and formal methods. There are two versions: the long version contains the description of all selected 32 projects. The short one, cut to the page limit of the intended journal (see next) has these details for only 11 systems, chosen to be representative (typically, one example for each general category, e.g. compilers); the properties of the others are summarized in a table. The introduction, overview, general analysis, discussion and conclusions are the same, so if you just want to get an overall idea you can start with the short version.

Presenting the article as a “new preprint” is somewhat of a twist since its first version was available in March of 2023 and the current version is from last October. The paper has been under review for ACM Computing Surveys for over two years; this is not the right place to complain about the process, but let me politely say that we are a bit frustrated since on our side we did all that was requested. (I am thankful to Moshe Vardi who, alone of all people whom I solicited for help, managed to get something moving at some point.) Given the way things have been going and even though the authors did everything requested of them I would not bet that it will eventually be published; if nothing else, the more time passes the more self-fulfilling becomes the criticism of obsolescence. The study took a full year (2022), and the initial version was submitted in March 2023. All information on the selected projects was carefully checked and updated a year later (February 2024), but no new projects were added then. So the article is not meant to be the last word for eternity; rather, it presents of snapshot of the state of the art at one particular moment. In this role — and whether it ends up published or forever remains Samizdat — I hope it will be useful.


Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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New preprint: Seamless and Traceable Requirements

Maria Naumcheva, Sophie Ebersold, Jean-Michel Bruel and Bertrand Meyer, UOOR: Seamless and Traceable Requirements, submitted for publication, February 2025, preprint available on arXiv.

This article grew out of Maria Naumcheva’s PhD thesis defended on December 18 at the University of Toulouse (I will write separately about the thesis as a whole). It is part of a general effort at systematic requirements engineering, reflected in earlier articles by the some or all of the same group of authors (see my publication list) and in my requirements book. Here is a short version of the abstract for the article:

In industrial practice, requirements are an indispensable element of any serious software project. In the academic study of software engineering, requirements are one of the heavily researched subjects. And yet requirements engineering, as practiced in industry, makes shockingly sparse use of the concepts propounded in the requirements literature.

The present paper starts from an assumption about the causes for this situation and proposes a remedy to redress it. The posited explanation is that change is the major factor affecting the practical application of even the best-intentioned requirements techniques. No sooner has the ink dried on the specifications than the system environment and stakeholders’ views of the system begin to evolve.

The proposed solution is a requirements engineering method, called UOOR, which unifies many known requirements concepts and a few new ones in a framework entirely devised to accommodate and support seamless change throughout the project lifecycle. The method encompasses the commonly used requirements techniques such as scenarios, and integrates them into the seamless software development process. The work presented here introduces the notion of seamless requirements traceability, which relies on the propagation of traceability links, themselves based on formal properties of relations between project artifacts.

As a proof of concept, the paper presents a traceability tool to be integrated into a general-purpose IDE that provides the ability to link requirements to other software project artifacts, display notifications of changes in requirements, and trace those changes to the related project elements.

The UOOR approach is not just a theoretical proposal but has been designed for practical use and has been applied to a significant real-world case study: Roborace, a competition of autonomous racing cars.

Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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New preprint: Loop unrolling — formal definition and application to testing

Li Huang, Bertrand Meyer and Reto Weber, New preprint: Loop unrolling:  formal definition and application to testing, February 2025, submitted to publication. Available here on arXiv and also here.


Testing coverage criteria usually make a gross simplification: they assume that loops will have their bodies executed 0 or 1 time. How much (specificall,y how many bugs) are we missing as a result?

This article defines loop unrolling formally (removing common misconceptions of the topic), shows how loop unrolling was applied to a testing framework (using program-proving techniques as well), in line with our test-and-proofs work of the past several years), and presents detailed empirical evidence about the effect on finding bugs.

(Some of the initial ideas were recorded earlier in an unpublished technical note.)

Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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New preprint: a standard framework for research on bugs and automatic program repair

Preprint of new article: Victoria Kananchuk, Ilgiz Mustafin and Bertrand Meyer, Bugfix: a standard language, database schema and repository for research on bugs and automatic program repair, submitted for publication, February 2025. Available on arXiv here. Also available here.

What this is in a nutshell (there is a longer abstract below): a proposal for, and first steps towards, helping work on Automatic Program Repair (APR) by providing a common framework, including: a language for describing bugs and fixes in a standard way; the same functionality available as an API (using JSON); and a repository (a database) accessible in that framework and containing  numerous bugs and fixes produced by researchers and practitioners.

The article draws on a short paper at the APR workshop of ICSE last year; I plan to use it as a basis for my keynote at the next workshop at ICSE in Ottawa on May 29. Rather than a paper describing firm results, this paper is meant to start a process; quoting from one of the final paragraphs:

The present work should be viewed as a community-service contribution: it is meant to help everyone interested in bugs and their automatic repair, particularly researchers in the field, to achieve new advances by relieving them of common and repetitive tasks, facilitating the assessment of new techniques, and making it possible to compare the effectiveness of competing or complementary approaches by providing a common reference.

It remains to see if anyone is interested!

Credits: much of the work (especially the construction of the repository) was carried out by Victoria Kananchuk as part of a master thesis; Ilgiz Mustafin particularly contributed to the JSON interface.

Here is the full abstract:


Automatic Program Repair (APR) is a brilliant idea: when detecting a bug, also provide suggestions for correct- ing the program.

Over the past decades, researchers have come up with promising techniques for making APR a mainstay of software development. Progress towards that goal is, however, hindered by the absence of a common frame of reference to support and compare the multiplicity of ideas, methods, tools, programming languages and programming environments for carrying out automatic program repair.

Bugfix, described in this article, is an effort at providing such a framework: a standardized set of notations, tools and interfaces, as well as a database of bugs and fixes, for use by the APR research community to try out its ideas and compare the results on an objective basis. The most directly visible component of the Bugfix effort is the Bugfix language, a human-readable formalism making it possible to describe elements of the following kinds: a bug (described abstractly, for example the permutation of two arguments in a call); a bug example (an actual occurrence of a bug, in a specific code written in a specific programming language, and usually recorded in some repository); a fix (a particular correction of a bug, obtained for example by reversing the misplaced arguments); an application (an entity that demonstrates how a actual code example matches with a fix); a construct (the abstract description of a programming mechanism, for example a “while” loop, independently of its realization in a programming language; and a language (a description of how a particular programming language includes certain constructs and provides specific concrete syntax for each of them — for example Java includes loop, assignment etc. and has a defined format for each of them).

The language is only one way to access this information. A JSON-based program interface (API) provides it in a form accessible to tools, which may record and access such information into databases.

Bugfix includes such a database (repository), containing a considerable amount of bugs, examples and fixes. We hope that this foundational work will help the APR research community to advance the field by providing a common yardstick and repository.


Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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New paper: seeding contradiction

Just published: Li Huang, Bertrand Meyer and Manuel Oriol, Seeding Contradiction: a fast method for generating full-coverage test suites, in Springer Nature Computer Science, vol. 6, no. 4, 2025. The text is available here on the publisher’s site. Also available is a preprint version.

This just published SNCS article and revised and extended from a conference presentation (at ICTSS 2023 in Bergamo, see here on my efforts back then to use AI to locate the conference site). It describes a new and promising test generation method, part of systematic effort at combining tests and proofs, highlighted in the recent PhD defense of Li Huang (about which I did not have the time to write an article, but will soon).

A new method for achieving full test coverage, very fast, without execution. The idea is to insert an incorrect instruction in every path of the program (technically, every basic block). Then, attempt to prove the program correct, using an SMT-solver-based prover. We “seed a contradiction” into the program.

The proof will fail, as expected, but the solver will generate a counter-example which we can turn into a test using the techniques first presented in earlier papers, including this article. The resulting set of tests is guaranteed to achieve 100% coverage! As a matter of fact the result is better than what is usually understood as “full coverage” since in this journal version we have added the possibility of unrolling loops. (Branch coverage and other usual techniques treat a loop as a conditional, executed either once or not at all. We can execute the body several times, based on a provided parameter.)

Caveat: the examples are still fairly small, although some of them are intricate. Even in this current state, the approach and tool hold the promise of using modern program-proving technology to generate, fully automatically, exhaustive test suites.

Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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New preprint: Programming Really Is Simple Mathematics

Bertrand Meyer and Reto Weber: Meaning as ProgramsProgramming Really Is Simple Mathematics, February 2025 preprint available here and also on arXiv.

Theories of programming can be quite complicated; the presentation here is a return to essentials, defining programming and associated concepts (programming languages, programming methodology) entirely from elementary set-theoretical concepts.

Unlike much of the work in formal methods, which forces the reader to go through many axioms and definitions for little benefit, this approach, called PRISM (Programming Really Is Simple Mathematics) is axiom-poor and theorem-rich. In fact it has zero axioms: it simply relies on the well-known properties of set theory to define programming on the basis of one set and one relation. Then it builds up programming mechanisms as simple objects (sets, relations, functions, composition…) and proves theorem after theorem highlighting their properties.

This approach was started in a 2015 article (cited in the new publication) but now, thanks to Reto Weber (a PhD student at CIT), it has the benefit of extensive proofs all checked by Isabelle/HOL; the corresponding files are publicly available.

The article covers the general framework, including the mathematical background (basically high-school-level elementary set theory with a few convenient notations for things like domain of a relation), basic constructs, control structures (sequence, conditional, loops of various kinds), refinement (treated as “subset”), specification vs. implementation, contracts, invariants, and concurrency.

The ambition is to reconstruct all of programming in this spirit.

Here is the more formal abstract from the paper itself:

A re-construction of the fundamentals of programming as a small mathematical theory
(“PRISM”) based on elementary set theory. Highlights:

  • Zero axioms. No properties are assumed, all are proved (from standard set theory).
  • A single concept covers specifications and programs.
  • Its definition only involves one relation and one set.
  • Everything proceeds from three operations: choice, composition and restriction.
  • These techniques suffice to derive the axioms of classic papers on the “laws of pro-
    gramming” as consequences and prove them mechanically.
  • The ordinary subset operator suffices to define both the notion of program correctness
    and the concepts of specialization and refinement.
  • From this basis, the theory deduces dozens of theorems characterizing important
    properties of programs and programming.
  • All these theorems have been mechanically verified (using Isabelle/HOL); the proofs
    are available in a public repository.

Reminder: my full annotated publication list is here.

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The French School of Programming

July 14 (still here for 15 minutes) is not a bad opportunity to announced the publication of a new book: The French School of Programming.

The book is a collection of chapters, thirteen of them, by rock stars of programming and software engineering research (plus me), preceded by a Foreword by Jim Woodcock and a Preface by me. The chapters are all by a single author, reflecting the importance that the authors attached to the project. Split into four sections after chapter 1, the chapters are, in order:

1. The French School of Programming: A Personal View, by Gérard Berry (serving as a general presentation of the subsequent chapters).

Part I: Software Engineering

2. “Testing Can Be Formal Too”: 30 Years Later, by  Marie-Claude Gaudel

3. A Short Visit to Distributed Computing Where Simplicity Is Considered a First-Class Property, by Michel Raynal

4. Modeling: From CASE Tools to SLE and Machine Learning, by Jean-Marc Jézéquel

5. At the Confluence of Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction: A Personal Account,  by Joëlle Coutaz

Part II:  Programming Language Mechanisms and Type Systems

6. From Procedures, Objects, Actors, Components, Services, to Agents, by  Jean-Pierre Briot

7. Semantics and Syntax, Between Computer Science and Mathematics, by Pierre-Louis Curien

8. Some Remarks About Dependent Type Theory, by Thierry Coquand

Part III: Theory

9. A Personal Historical Perspective on Abstract Interpretation, by Patrick Cousot

10. Tracking Redexes in the Lambda Calculus, by  Jean-Jacques Lévy

11. Confluence of Terminating Rewriting Computations, by  Jean-Pierre Jouannaud

Part IV: Language Design and Programming Methodology

12. Programming with Union, Intersection, and Negation Types, by Giuseppe Castagna

13, Right and Wrong: Ten Choices in Language Design, by Bertrand Meyer

What is the “French School of Programming”? As discussed in the Preface (although Jim Woodcock’s Foreword does not entirely agree) it is not anything defined in a formal sense, as the variety of approaches covered in the book amply demonstrates. What could be more different (for example) than Coq, OCaml (extensively referenced by several chapters) and Eiffel? Beyond the differences, however, there is a certain je ne sais quoi of commonality; to some extent, in fact, je sais quoi: reliance on mathematical principles, a constant quest for simplicity, a taste for elegance. It will be for the readers to judge.

Being single authors of their chapters, the authors felt free to share some of their deepest insights an thoughts. See for example Thierry Coquand’s discussion of the concepts that led to the widely successful Coq proof system, Marie-Claude Gaudel’s new look at her seminal testing work of 30 years ago, and Patrick Cousot’s detailed recounting of the intellectual path that led him and Radhia to invent abstract interpretation.

The French School of Programming
Edited by Bertrand Meyer
Springer, 2024. xxiv + 439 pages

Book page on Springer site
Amazon US page
Amazon France page
Amazon Germany page

The book is expensive (I tried hard to do something about it, and failed). But many readers should be able to download it, or individual chapters, for free through their institutions.

It was a privilege for me to take this project to completion and work with such extraordinary authors who produced such a collection of gems.

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New article: scenarios versus OO requirements

Maria Naumcheva, Sophie Ebersold, Alexandr Naumchev, Jean-Michel Bruel, Florian Galinier and Bertrand Meyer: Object-Oriented Requirements: a Unified Framework for Specifications, Scenarios and Tests, in JOT (Journal of Object Technology), vol. 22, no. 1, pages 1:1-19, 2023. Available here with link to PDF  (the journal is open-access).

From the abstract:

A paradox of requirements specifications as dominantly practiced in the industry is that they often claim to be object-oriented (OO) but largely rely on procedural (non-OO) techniques. Use cases and user stories describe functional flows, not object types.

To gain the benefits provided by object technology (such as extendibility, reusability, and reliability), requirements should instead take advantage of the same data abstraction concepts – classes, inheritance, information hiding – as OO design and OO programs.

Many people find use cases and user stories appealing because of the simplicity and practicality of the concepts. Can we reconcile requirements with object-oriented principles and get the best of both worlds?

This article proposes a unified framework. It shows that the concept of class is general enough to describe not only “object” in a narrow sense but also scenarios such as use cases and user stories and other important artifacts such as test cases and oracles. Having a single framework opens the way to requirements that enjoy the benefits of both approaches: like use cases and user stories, they reflect the practical views of stakeholders; like object-oriented requirements, they lend themselves to evolution and reuse.

The article builds in part on material from chapter 7 of my requirements book (Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis, Springer).

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“Object Success” now available

A full, free online version of Object Success



I am continuing the process of releasing some of my earlier books. Already available: Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages (see here) and Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition (see here). The latest addition is Object Success, a book that introduced object technology to managers and more generally emphasized the management and organizational consequences of OO ideas.

The text (3.3 MB) is available here for download.

Copyright notice: The text is not in the public domain. It is copyrighted material (© Bertrand Meyer, 1995, 2023), made available free of charge on the Web for the convenience of readers, with the permission of the original publisher (Prentice Hall, now Pearson Education, Inc.). You are not permitted to copy it or redistribute it. Please refer others to the present version at

(Please do not bookmark or share the above download link as it may change, but use the present page: https:/ The text is republished identically, with minor reformatting and addition of some color. (There is only one actual change, a mention of the evolution of hardware resources, on page 136, plus a reference to a later book added to a bibliography section on page 103.) This electronic version is fully hyperlinked: clicking entries in the table of contents and index, and any element in dark red such as the page number above, will take you to the corresponding place in the text.

The book is a presentation of object technology for managers and a discussion of management issues of modern projects. While it is almost three decades old and inevitably contains some observations that will sound naïve  by today’s standards, I feel  it retains some of its value. Note in particular:

  • The introduction of a number of principles that went radically against conventional software engineering wisdom and were later included in agile methods. See Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly, Springer, 2014, book page at
  • As an important example, the emphasis on the primacy of code. Numerous occurrences of the argument throughout the text. (Also, warnings about over-emphasizing analysis, design and other products, although unlike “lean development” the text definitely does not consider them to be “waste”. See the “bubbles and arrows of outrageous fortune”, page 80.)
  • In the same vein, the emphasis on incremental development.
  • Yet another agile-before-agile principle: Less-Is-More principle (in “CRISIS REMEDY”, page 133).
  • An analysis of the role of managers (chapters 7 to 9) which remains largely applicable, and I believe more realistic than the agile literature’s reductionist view of managers.
  • A systematic analysis of what “prototyping” means for software (chapter 4), distinguishing between desirable and less good forms.
  • Advice on how to salvage projects undergoing difficulties or crises (chapters 7 and 9).
  • A concise exposition of OO concepts (chapter 1 and appendix).
  • A systematic discussion of software lifecycle models (chapter 3), including the “cluster model”. See new developments on this topic in my recent “Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis”, Springer, 2022, book page at
  • More generally, important principles from which managers (and developers) can benefit today just as much as at the time of publication.

The download link again (3.3 MB): here it is.

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Logical beats sequential

Often,  “we do this and then we do that” is just a lazy way of stating “to do that, we must have achieved this.” The second form is more general than the first, since there may be many things you can “do” to achieve a certain condition.

The extra generality is welcome for software requirements, which should describe essential properties without over-specifying, in particular without prescribing a specific ordering of operations  when it is only one possible sequence among several, thereby restricting the flexibility of designers and implementers.

This matter of logical versus sequential constraints is at the heart of the distinction between scenario-based techniques — use cases, user stories… — and object-oriented requirements. This article analyzes the distinction. It is largely extracted from my recent textbook, the Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis [1], which contains a more extensive discussion.

1. Scenarios versus OO

Scenario techniques, most significantly use cases and user stories, have become dominant in requirements. They obviously fill a need and are intuitive to many people. As a general requirement technique, however, they lack abstraction. Assessed against object-oriented requirements techniques, they suffer from the same limitations as procedural (pre-OO)  techniques against their OO competitors in the area of design and programming. The same arguments that make object technology subsume non-OO approaches in those areas transpose to requirements.

Scenario techniques describe system properties in terms of a particular sequence of interactions with the system. A staple example of a use case is ordering a product through an e-commerce site, going through a number of steps. In contrast, an OO specification presents a certain number of abstractions and operations on them, chracterized by their logical properties. This description may sound vague, so we move right away to examples.

2. Oh no, not stacks again

Yes, stacks. This example is rather computer-sciency so it is not meant to convince anyone but just to explain the ideas. (An example more similar to what we deal with in the requirements of industry projects is coming next.)

A stack is a LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) structure. You insert and remove elements at the same end.


Think of a stack of plates, where you can deposit one plate at a time, at the top, and retrieve one plate at a time, also at the top. We may call the two operations put and remove. Both are commands (often known under the alternative names push and pop). We will also use an integer query count giving the number of elements.

Assume we wanted to specify the behavior of a stack through use cases. Possible use cases (all starting with an empty stack) are:


put ; put
put ; put ; put       
— etc.: any number of successive put (our stacks are not bounded)

put ; remove
put ; put ; remove
put ; put ; remove ; remove
put ; put ; remove ; remove ; put ; remove

We should also find a way to specify that the system does not support such use cases as


remove ; put

or even just



We could keep writing such use cases forever — some expressing normal sequences of operations, others describing erroneous cases — without capturing the fundamental rule that at any stage, the number of put so far has to be no less than the number of remove.

A simple way to capture this basic requirement is through logical constraints, also known as contracts, relying on assertions: preconditions which state the conditions under which an operation is permitted, and postconditions which describe properties of its outcome. In the example we can state that:

  • put has no precondition, and the postcondition

          count = old count + 1

using the old notation to refer to the value of an expression before the operation (here, the postcondition states that put increases count by one).

  • remove has the precondition

count > 0

and the postcondition

count = old count – 1

since it is not possible to remove an element from an empty stack. More generally the LIFO discipline implies that we cannot remove more than we have put.(Such illegal usage sequences are sometimes called “misuse cases.”)

(There are other properties, but the ones just given suffice for this discussion.)

The specification states what can be done with stacks (and what cannot) at a sufficiently high level of abstraction to capture all possible use cases. It enables us to keep track of the value of count in the successive steps of a use case; it tells us for example that all the use cases under /1/ above observe the constraints: with count starting at 0, taking into account the postconditions of put and remove, the precondition of every operation will be satisfied prior to all of its calls. For /2/ and /3/ that is not the case, so we know that these use cases are incorrect.

Although this example covers a data structure, not  requirements in the general sense, it illustrates how logical constraints are more general than scenarios:

  • Use cases, user stories and other  forms of scenario only describe specific instances of behavior.
  • An OO model with contracts yields a more abstract specification, to which individual scenarios can be shown to conform, or not.

3. Avoiding premature ordering decisions

As the stack example illustrates, object-oriented specifications stay away from premature time-order decisions by focusing on object types (classes) and their operations (queries and commands), without making an early commitment to the order of executing these operations.

In the book, I use in several places a use-case example from one of the best books about use cases (along with Ivar Jacobson’s original one of course): Alistair Cockburn’s Writing Effective Use Cases (Pearson Education, 2001). A simplified form of the example is:

1. A reporting party who is aware of the event registers a loss to the insurance company.

2. A clerk receives and assigns claim to a claims agent.

3. The assigned claims adjuster:

3.1 Conducts an investigation.
3.2 Evaluates damages.
3.3 Sets reserves.
3.4 Negotiates the claim.
3.5 Resolves the claim and closes it.

(A reserve in the insurance business is an amount that an insurer, when receiving a claim, sets aside as to cover the financial liability that may result from the claim.)

As a specification, this scenario is trying to express useful things; for example, you must set reserves before starting to negotiate the claim. But it expresses them in the form of a strict sequence of operations, a temporal constraint which does not cover the wide range of legitimate scenarios. As in the stack example, describing a few such scenarios is helpful as part of requirements elicitation, but to specify the resulting requirements it is more effective to state the logical constraints.

Here is a sketch (in Eiffel) of how a class INSURANCE_CLAIM could specify them in the form of contracts. Note the use of require to introduce a precondition and ensure for postconditions.

class INSURANCE_CLAIM feature

        — Boolean queries (all with default value False):
    is_investigated, is_evaluated, is_reserved,is_agreed,is_imposed, is_resolved:


                — Conduct investigation on validity of claim. Set is_investigated.

                — Assess monetary amount of damages.
            — Note: is_investigated still holds (see the invariant at the end of the class text).

                — Assess monetary amount of damages. Set is_reserved.
            — Note: we do not require is_evaluated.

                — Assess monetary amount of damages. Set is_agreed only if negotiation
                — leads to an agreement with the claim originator.

            — See the invariant for is_evaluated and is_investigated.

    impose (amount: INTEGER)
                — Determine amount of claim if negotiation fails. Set is_imposed.
            not is_agreed

                — Finalize handling of claim. Set is_resolved.
            is_agreed or is_imposed

invariant                    — “⇒” is logical implication.

is_evaluated is_investigated
is_agreed or is_imposed
not is_agreed

                          — Hence, by laws of logic, is_agreed not is_imposed


Notice the interplay between the preconditions, postconditions and class invariant, and the various boolean-valued queries they involve (is_investigated, is_evaluated, is_reserved…). You can specify a strict order of operations o1, o2 …, as in a use case, by having a sequence of assertions pi such that operation oi has the contract clauses require pi and ensure pi+1; but assertions also enable you to specify a much broader range of allowable orderings as all acceptable.
The class specification as given is only a first cut and leaves many aspects untouched. It will be important in practice, for example, to include a query payment describing the amount to be paid for the claim; then impose has the postcondition payment = amount, and negotiate sets a certain amount for payment.
Even in this simplified form, the specification includes a few concepts that the original use case left unspecified, in particular the notion of imposing a payment (through the command impose) if negotiation fails. Using a logical style typically uncovers such important questions and provides a framework for answering them, helping to achieve one of the principal goals of requirements engineering.

4. Logical constraints are more general than sequential orderings

The specific sequence of actions described in the original use case (“main success scenario”) is compatible with the logical constraints: you can check that in the sequence


the postcondition of each step implies the precondition of the next one (the first has no precondition). In other words, the temporal specification satisfies the logical one. But you can also see that prescribing this order is a case of overspecification: other orderings also satisfy the logical specification. It may be possible for example — subject to confirmation by Subject-Matter Experts — to change the order of evaluate and set_reserve, or to perform these two operations in parallel.

The specification does cover the fundamental sequencing constraints; for example, the pre- and postcondition combinations imply that investigation must come before evaluation and resolution must be preceded by either negotiation or imposition. But they avoid the non-essential constraints which, in the use case, were only an artifact of the sequential style of specification, not a true feature of the problem.

The logical style is also more conducive to conducting a fruitful dialogue with domain experts and stakeholders:

  • With a focus on use cases, the typical question from a requirements engineer (business analyst) is “do you do A before doing B?” Often the answer will be contorted, as in “usually yes, but only if C, oh and sometimes we might start with B if D holds, or we might work on A and B in parallel…“, leading to vagueness and to more complicated requirements specifications.
  • With logic-based specifications, the two fundamental question types are: “what conditions do you need before doing B?” and “does doing A ensure condition C?”. They force stakeholders to assess their own practices and specify precisely the relations between operations of interest.

5. What use for scenarios?

Use-cases and more generally scenarios, while more restrictive than logical specifications, remain important as complements to specifications. They serve as both input and output to more abstract requirements specifications (such as OO specifications with contracts):

  • As input to requirements: initially at least, stakeholders and Subject-Matter Experts often find it intuitive to describe typical system interactions, and their own activities, in the form of scenarios. Collecting such scenarios is an invaluable requirements elicitation technique. The requirements engineer must remember that any such scenario is just one example walk through the system, and must abstract from these examples to derive general logical rules.
  • As output from requirements: from an OO specification with its contracts, the requirements engineers can produce valid use cases. “Valid” means that the operation at every step satisfies the applicable precondition, as a consequence of the previous steps’ postconditions and of the class invariant. The requirements engineers can then submit these use cases to the SMEs and through them to stakeholders to confirm that they make sense, update the logical conditions if they do not (to rule out bad use cases), and check the results they are expected to produce.

6. Where do scenarios fit?

While many teams will prefer to write scenarios (for the purposes just described) in natural language, it is possible to go one step further and, in an object-oriented approach to requirements, gather scenarios in classes. But that point exceeds the scope of the present sketch. We will limit ourselves here to the core observation: logical constraints subsume sequential specifications; you can deduce the ltter from the former, but not the other way around; and focusing on abstract logical specifications leads to a better understanding of the requirements.


Bertrand Meyer: Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis, Springer, 2022. See the book page with sample chapters and further material here.

Recycled(This article was first published on the Communications of the ACM blog.)

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New book: the Requirements Handbook


I am happy to announce the publication of the Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis (Springer, 2022).

It is the result of many years of thinking about requirements and how to do them right, taking advantage of modern principles of software engineering. While programming, languages, design techniques, process models and other software engineering disciplines have progressed considerably, requirements engineering remains the sick cousin. With this book I am trying to help close the gap.

pegsThe Handbook introduces a comprehensive view of requirements including four elements or PEGS: Project, Environment, Goals and System. One of its principal contributions is the definition of a standard plan for requirements documents, consisting of the four corresponding books and replacing the obsolete IEEE 1998 structure.

The text covers both classical requirements techniques and novel topics such as object-oriented requirements and the use of formal methods.

The successive chapters address: fundamental concepts and definitions; requirements principles; the Standard Plan for requirements; how to write good requirements; how to gather requirements; scenario techniques (use cases, user stories); object-oriented requirements; how to take advantage of formal methods; abstract data types; and the place of requirements in the software lifecycle.

The Handbook is suitable both as a practical guide for industry and as a textbook, with over 50 exercises and supplementary material available from the book’s site.

You can find here a book page with the preface and sample chapters.

To purchase the book, see the book page at Springer and the book page at Amazon US.

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Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages: full book now freely available

itpl_coverShort version: the full text of my Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages book (second printing, 1991) is now available. This page has more details including the table of chapters, and a link to the PDF (3.3MB, 448 + xvi pages).

The book is a survey of methods for language description, particularly semantics (operational, translational, denotational, axiomatic, complementary) and also serves as an introduction to formal methods. Obviously it would be written differently today but it may still have its use.

A few days ago I released the Axiomatic Semantics chapter of the book, and the chapter introducing mathematical notations. It looked at the time that I could not easily  release the rest in a clean form, because it is impossible or very hard to use the original text-processing tools (troff and such). I could do it for these two chapters because I had converted them years ago for my software verification classes at ETH.

By perusing old files, however,  I realized that around the same time (early 2000s) I actually been able to produce PDF versions of the other chapters as well, even integrating corrections to errata  reported after publication. (How I managed to do it then I have no idea, but the result looks identical, save the corrections, to the printed version.)

The figures were missing from that reconstructed version (I think they had been produced with Brian Kernighan’s PIC graphical description language , which is even more forgotten today than troff), but I scanned them from a printed copy and reinserted them into the PDFs.

Some elements were missing from my earlier resurrection: front matter, preface, bibliography, index. I was able to reconstruct them from the original troff source using plain MS Word. The downside is that they are not hyperlinked; the index has the page numbers (which may be off by 1 or 2 in some cases because of reformatting) but not hyperlinks to the corresponding occurrences as we would expect for a new book. Also, I was not able to reconstruct the table of contents; there is only a chapter-level table of contents which, however, is hyperlinked (in other words, chapter titles link to the actual chapters). In the meantime I obtained the permission of the original publisher (Prentice Hall, now Pearson Education Inc.).

Here again is the page with the book’s description and the link to the PDF:



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Introduction to axiomatic semantics

itplI have released for general usage the chapter on axiomatic semantics of my book Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages. It’s old but I think it is still a good introduction to the topic. It explains:

  • The notion of theory (with a nice — I think — example borrowed from an article by Luca Cardelli: axiomatizing types in lambda calculus).
  • How to axiomatize a programming language.
  • The notion of assertion.
  • Hoare-style pre-post semantics, dealing with arrays, loop invariants etc.
  • Dijkstra’s calculus of weakest preconditions.
  • Non-determinism.
  • Dealing with routines and recursion.
  • Assertion-guided program construction (in other words, correctness by construction), design heuristics (from material in an early paper at IFIP).
  • 26 exercises.

The text can be found at

It remains copyrighted but can be used freely. It was available before since I used it for courses on software verification but the link from my publication page was broken. Also, the figures were missing; I added them back.

I thought I only had the original (troff) files, which I have no easy way to process today, but just found PDFs for all the chapters, likely produced a few years ago when I was still able to put together a working troff setup. They are missing the figures, which I have to scan from a printed copy and reinsert. I just did it for the chapter on mathematical notations, chapter 2, which you can find at If there is interest I will release all chapters (with corrections of errata reported by various readers over the years).

The chapters of the book are:

  • (Preface)
  1. Basic concepts
  2. Mathematical background (available through the link above).
  3. Syntax (introduces formal techniques for describing syntax, included a simplified BNF).
  4. Semantics: the main approaches (overview of the techniques described in detail in the following chapters).
  5. Lambda calculus.
  6. Denotational semantics: fundamentals.
  7. Denotational semantics: language features (covers denotational-style specifications of records, arrays, input/output etc.).
  8. The mathematics of recursion (talks in particular about iterative methods and fixpoints, and the bottom-up interpretation of recursion, based on work by Gérard Berry).
  9. Axiomatic semantics (available through the link above).
  10. Complementary semantic definitions (establishing a clear relationship between different specifications, particular axiomatic and denotational).
  • Bibliography

Numerous exercises are included. The formal models use throughout a small example language called Graal (for “Great Relief After Ada Lessons”).  The emphasis is on understanding programming and programming languages through simple mathematical models.

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OOSC-2 available online (officially)

My book Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition (see the Wikipedia page) has become hard to get. There are various copies floating around the Web but they often use bad typography (wrong colors) and are unauthorized.

In response to numerous requests and in anticipation of the third edition I have been able to make it available electronically (with the explicit permission of the original publisher).

You can find the link on another page on this site. (In sharing or linking please use that page, not the URL of the actual PDF which might change.)

I hope having the text freely available proves useful.


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Publication announcement: survey on requirements techniques, formal and non-formal

There is a new paper out, several years in the making:

The Role of Formalism in System Requirements
Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold, Florian Galinier, Manuel Mazzara, Alexander Naumchev, Bertrand Meyer
Computing Surveys (ACM), vol. 54, no. 5, June 2021, pages 1-36
Preprint available here.

The authors are from the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology in Switzerland, the University of Toulouse in France and Innopolis University in Russia. We make up a cross-institutional (and unofficial) research group which has for several years now been working on improving the state of software requirements, with both an engineering perspective and an interest in taking advantage of formal methods.

The article follows this combined formal-informal approach by reviewing the principal formal methods in requirements but also taking into consideration non-formal ones — including techniques widely used in industry, such as DOORS — and studying how they can be used in a more systematic way. It uses a significant example (a “Landing Gear System” or LGS for aircraft) to compare them and includes extensive tables comparing the approaches along a number of systematic criteria.

Here is the abstract:

A major determinant of the quality of software systems is the quality of their requirements, which should be both understandable and precise. Most requirements are written in natural language, which is good for understandability but lacks precision.

To make requirements precise, researchers have for years advocated the use of mathematics-based notations and methods, known as “formal.” Many exist, differing in their style, scope, and applicability.

The present survey discusses some of the main formal approaches and compares them to informal methods.The analysis uses a set of nine complementary criteria, such as level of abstraction, tool availability, and traceability support. It classifies the approaches into five categories based on their principal style for specifying requirements: natural-language, semi-formal, automata/graphs, mathematical, and seamless (programming-language-based). It includes examples from all of these categories, altogether 21 different approaches, including for example SysML, Relax, Eiffel, Event-B, and Alloy.

The review discusses a number of open questions, including seamlessness, the role of tools and education, and how to make industrial applications benefit more from the contributions of formal approaches.

For me, of course, this work is the continuation of a long-running interest in requirements and specifications and how to express them using the tools of mathematics, starting with a 1985 paper, still being cited today, with a strikingly similar title: On Formalism in Specifications.

Trivia: the “response to referees” (there were no fewer than eight of them!) after the first review took up 85 pages. Maybe not for the Guinness Book, but definitely a personal record. (And an opportunity to thank the referees for detailed comments that considerably helped shape the final form of the paper.)

Correction (20 July 2021): I just noted that I had forgotten to list myself among the authors! Not a sign of modesty (I don’t have any), more of absent-mindedness. Now corrected.

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Defining and classifying requirements (new publication)

Software engineering has improved a lot in the past couple of decades, but there remains an area where the old doomsday style of starting a software engineering paper (software crisis, everything is rotten…) still fits: requirements engineering. Just see the chasm between textbook advice and the practice of most projects.

I have written on requirements in this blog, including very recently, and will continue in forthcoming installments. For today I  want to point to a recent article [1],  presented at the newly revived TOOLS conference in October. It attempts to bring some order and rigor to the basic definitions in the field.

From the abstract:

Requirements engineering is crucial to software development but lacks a precise definition of its fundamental concepts. Even the basic definitions in the literature and in industry standards are often vague and verbose.

To remedy this situation and provide a solid basis for discussions of requirements, this work provides precise definitions of the fundamental requirements concepts and two systematic classifications: a taxonomy of requirement elements (such as components, goals, constraints…) ; and a taxonomy of possible relations between these elements (such as “extends”, “excepts”, “belongs”…).

The discussion evaluates the taxonomies on published requirements documents; readers can test the concepts in two online quizzes.

The intended result of this work is to spur new advances in the study and practice of software requirements by clarifying the fundamental concepts.

This version is a first step; we are aware of its limitations and are already revising the definitions and taxonomy. The project is aimed at providing a solid foundation for a delicate area of software engineering and it will take some time to get it completely right. Still, I think the paper as it is already introduces important concepts. I will within the next two weeks write a more detailed blog article summarizing some of them.


[1] Bertrand Meyer, Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold, Florian Galinier, Alexandr Naumchev, The Anatomy of Requirements, in TOOLS 51, Software Technology: Methods and Tools
Innopolis, Russia, October 15–17, 2019, pages 10-40, available here (Springer site, paywall) and here (arXiv draft).

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Formality in requirements: new publication

The best way to make software requirements precise is to use one of the available “formal” approaches. Many have been proposed; I am not aware of a general survey published so far. Over the past two years, we have been working on a comprehensive survey of the use of formality in requirements, of which we are now releasing a draft. “We” is a joint informal research group from Innopolis University and the University of Toulouse, whose members have been cooperating on requirements issues, resulting in publications listed  under “References” below and in several scientific events.

The survey is still being revised, in particular because it is longer than the page limit of its intended venue (ACM Computing Surveys), and some sections are in need of improvement. We think, however, that the current draft can already provide a solid reference in this fundamental area of software engineering.

The paper covers a broad selection of methods, altogether 22 of them, all the way from completely informal to strictly formal. They are grouped into five categories: natural language, semi-formal, automata- or graph-based, other mathematical frameworks, programming-language based. Examples include SysML, Relax, Statecharts, VDM, Eiffel (as a requirements notation), Event-B, Alloy. For every method, the text proposes a version of a running example (the Landing Gear System, already used in some of our previous publications) expressed in the corresponding notation. It evaluates the methods using a set of carefully defined criteria.

The paper is: Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ébersold, Florian Galinier, Alexandr Naumchev, Manuel Mazzara and Bertrand Meyer: Formality in Software Requirements, draft, November 2019.

The text is available here. Comments on the draft are welcome.


Bertrand Meyer, Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold, Florian Galinier and Alexandr Naumchev: Towards an Anatomy of Software Requirements, in TOOLS 2019, pages 10-40, see here (or arXiv version here). I will write a separate blog article about this publication.

Alexandr Naumchev and Bertrand Meyer: Seamless requirements. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 49, 2017, pages 119-132, available here.

Florian Galinier, Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold and Bertrand Meyer: Seamless Integration of Multirequirements, in Complex Systems, 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshop, IEEE, pages 21-25, 2017, available here.

Alexandr Naumchev, Manuel Mazzara, Bertrand Meyer, Jean-Michel Bruel, Florian Galinier and Sophie Ebersold: A contract-based method to specify stimulus-response requirements, Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming, vol. 29, issue 4, 2017, pp. 39-54. DOI: 10.15514, available here.

Alexandr Naumchev and Bertrand Meyer: Complete Contracts through Specification Drivers., in 10th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE), pages 160-167, 2016, available here.

Alexandr Naumchev, Bertrand Meyer and Víctor Rivera: Unifying Requirements and Code: An Example, in PSI 2015 (Ershov conference, Perspective of System Informatics), pages 233-244, available here.

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Gail Murphy to speak at Devops 19

The DEVOPS 2019 workshop (6-8 May 2019) follows a first 2018 workshop whose proceedings [1] have just been published in the special LASER-Villebrumier subseries of Springer Lecture notes in Computer Science. It is devoted to software engineering aspects of continuous development and new paradigms of software production and deployment, including but not limited to DevOps.

The keynote will be delivered by Gail Murphy, vice-president Research & Innovation at University of British Columbia and one of leaders in the field of empirical software engineering.

The workshop is held at the LASER conference center in Villebrumier near Toulouse. It is by invitation; if you would like to receive an invitation please contact one of the organizers (Jean-Michel Bruel, Manuel Mazzara and me) with a short description of your interest in the field.


Jean-Michel Bruel, Manuel Mazzara and Bertrand Meyer (eds.), Software Engineering Aspects of Continuous Development and New Paradigms of Software Production and Deployment, First International Workshop, DEVOPS 2018, Chateau de Villebrumier, France, March 5-6, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, see here..

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The Formal Picnic approach to requirements

picnicRequirements engineering (studying and documenting what a software system should do, independently of how it will do it) took some time to be recognized as a key part of software engineering, since the early focus was, understandably, on programming. It is today a recognized sub-discipline and has benefited in the last decades from many seminal concepts. An early paper of mine, On Formalism in Specifications [1], came at the beginning of this evolution; it made the case for using formal (mathematics-based) approaches. One of the reasons it attracted attention is its analysis of the “seven sins of the specifier”: a list of pitfalls into which authors of specifications and requirements commonly fall.

One of the techniques presented in the paper has not made it into the standard requirements-enginering bag of tricks. I think it deserves to be known, hence the present note. There really will not be anything here that is not in the original article; in fact I will be so lazy as to reuse its example. (Current requirements research with colleagues should lead to the publication of new examples.)

Maybe the reason the idea did not register is that I did not give it a name. So here goes: formal picnic.

The usual software engineering curriculum includes, regrettably, no room for  field trips. We are jealous of students and teachers of geology or zoology and their occasional excursions: once in a while you put on your boots, harness your backpack, and head out to quarries or grasslands to watch pebbles or critters in flagrante, after a long walk with the other boys and girls and before all having lunch together in the wild. Yes, scientific life in these disciplines really is a picnic. What I propose for the requirements process is a similar excursion; not into muddy fields, but into the dry pastures of mathematics.

The mathematical picnic process starts with a natural-language requirements document. It continues, for some part of the requirements, with a translation into a mathematical version. It terminates with a return trip into natural language.

The formal approach to requirements, based on mathematical notations (as was discussed in my paper), is still controversial; a common objection is that requirements must be understandable by ordinary project stakeholders, many of whom do not have advanced mathematical skills. I am not entering this debate here, but there can be little doubt that delicate system properties can be a useful step, if only for the requirements engineers themselves. Mathematical notation forces precision.

What, then, if we want to end up with natural language for clarity, but also to take advantage of the precision of mathematics? The formal picnic answer is that we can use mathematics as a tool to improve the requirements. The three steps are:

  • Start: a natural-language requirements document. Typically too vague and deficient in other ways (the seven sins) to serve as an adequate basis for the rest of the software process, as a good requirements document should.
  • Picnic: an excursion into mathematics. One of the main purposes of a requirements process is to raise and answer key questions about the system’s properties. Using mathematics helps raise the right questions and obtain precise answers. You do not need to apply the mathematical picnic to the entire system: even if the overall specification remains informal, some particularly delicate aspects may benefit from a more rigorous analysis.
  • Return trip: thinking of the non-formalist stakeholders back home, we translate the mathematical descriptions into a new natural-language version.

This final version is still in (say) English, but typically not the kind of English that most people naturally write. It may in fact “sound funny”. That is because it is really just mathematical formulae translated back into English. It retains the precision and objectivity of mathematics, but is expressed in terms that anyone can understand.

Let me illustrate the mathematical picnic idea with the example from my article. For reasons that do not need to be repeated here (they are in the original), it discussed a very elementary problem of text processing: splitting a text across lines. The original statement of the problem, from a paper by Peter Naur, read:

Given a text consisting of words separated by BLANKS or by NL (new line) characters, convert it to a line-by-line form in accordance with the following rules: (1) line breaks must be made only where the given text has BLANK or NL; (2) each line is filled as far as possible as long as  (3) no line will contain more than MAXPOS characters.

My article then cited an alternative specification proposed in a paper by testing experts John Goodenough and Susan Gerhart. G&G criticized Naur’s work (part of the still relevant debate between proponents of tests and proponents of proofs such as Naur). They pointed out deficiencies in his simple problem statement above; for example, it says nothing about the case of a text containing a word of more than MAXPOS characters. G&G stated that the issue was largely one of specification (requirements) and went on to propose a new problem description, four times as long as Naur’s. In my own article, I had a field day taking aim at their own endeavor. (Sometime later I met Susan Gerhart, who was incredibly gracious about my critique of her work, and became an esteemed colleague.) I am not going to cite the G&G replacement specification here; you can find it in my article.

Since that article’s topic was formal approaches, it provided a mathematical statement of Naur’s problem. It noted that  the benefit of mathematical formalization is not just to gain precision but also to identify important questions about the problem, with a view to rooting out dangerous potential bugs. Mathematics means not just formalization but proofs. If you formalize the Naur problem, you soon realize that — as originally posed — it does not always have a solution (because of over-MAXPOS words). The process forces you to specify the conditions under which solutions do exist. This is one of the software engineering benefits of a mathematical formalization effort: if such conditions are not identified at the requirements level, they will take their revenge in the program, in the form of erroneous results and crashes.

You can find the mathematical specification (only one of several possibilities) in the article.  The discussion also noted that one could start again from that spec and go back to English. That was, without the name, the mathematical picnic. The result’s length is in-between the other two versions: twice Naur’s, but half G&G’s. Here it is:

Given are a non-negative integer MAXPOS and a character set including two “break characters” blank and newline. The program shall accept as input a finite sequence of characters and produce as output a sequence of characters satisfying the following conditions:
• It only differs from the input by having a single break character wherever the input has one or more break characters;
• Any MAXPOS + 1 consecutive characters include a newline;
• The number of newline characters is minimal.
If (and only if) an input sequence contains a group of MAXPOS + 1 consecutive nonbreak characters, there exists no such output. In this case, the program shall produce the output associated with the initial part of the sequence, up to and including the MAXPOS·th character of the first such group, and report the error.

This post-picnic version is the result of a quasi-mechanical retranscription from the mathematical specification in the paper.

It uses the kind of English that one gets after a mathematical excursion. I wrote above that this style might sound funny; not to me in fact, because I am used to mathematical picnics, but probably to others (does it sound funny to you?).

The picnic technique provides a good combination of the precision of mathematics and the readability of English. English requirements as ordinarily written are subject to the seven sins described in my article, from ambiguity and contradiction to overspecification and noise. A formalization effort can correct these issues, but yields a mathematical text. Whether we like it or not, many people react negatively to such texts. We might wish they learn, but that is often not an option, and if they are important stakeholders we need their endorsement or correction of the requirements. With a mathematical picnic we translate the formal text back into something they will understand, while avoiding the worst problems of natural-language specifications.

Practicing the Formal Picnic method also has a long-term benefit for a software team. Having seen first-hand that better natural-language specifications (noise-free and more precise) are possible, team members little by little learn to apply the same style to the English texts they write, even without a mathematical detour.

If the goal is high-quality requirements, is there any alternative? What I have seen in many requirements documents is a fearful attempt to avoid ambiguity and imprecision by leaving no stone unturned: adding information and redundancy over and again. This was very much what I criticized in the G&G statement of requirements, which attempted to correct the deficiencies of the Naur text by throwing ever-more details that caused ever more risks of entanglement. It is fascinating to see how every explanation added in the hope of filling a possible gap creates more sources of potential confusion and a need for even more explanations. In industrial projects, this is the process that leads to thousands-of-pages documents, so formidable that they end up (as in the famous Ariane-5 case) on a shelf where no one will consult them when they would provide critical answers.

Mathematical specifications yield the precision and uncover the contradictions, but they also avoid noise and remain terse. Translating them back into English yields a reasonable tradeoff. Try a formal picnic one of these days.


For numerous recent discussions of these and many other related topics, I am grateful to my colleagues from the Innopolis-Toulouse requirements research group: Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold, Florian Galinier, Manuel Mazzara and Alexander Naumchev. I remain grateful to Axel van Lamsweerde (beyond his own seminal contributions to requirements engineering) for telling me, six years after I published a version of [1] in French, that I should take the time to produce a version in English too.


Bertrand Meyer: On Formalism in Specifications, in IEEE Software, vol. 3, no. 1, January 1985, pages 6-25. PDF available via IEEE Xplore with account, and also from here. Adapted translation of an original article in French (AFCET Software Engineering newsletter, no. 1, pages 81-122, 1979).

(This article was originally published on the Comm. ACMM blog.)

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New paper: making sense of agile methods

Bertrand Meyer: Making Sense of Agile Methods, in IEEE Software, vol. 35, no. 2, March 2018, pages 91-94. IEEE article page here (may require membership or purchase). Draft available here.

An assessment of agile methods, based on my book Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly. It discusses, beyond the hype, the benefits and dangers of agile principles and practices, focusing on concrete examples of what helps and what hurts.

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Design by Contract: ACM Webinar this Thursday

A third ACM webinar this year (after two on agile methods): I will be providing a general introduction to Design by Contract. The date is this coming Thursday, September 17, and the time is noon New York (18 Paris/Zurich, 17 London, 9 Los Angeles, see here for hours elsewhere). Please tune in! The event is free but requires registration here.

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New paper: Theory of Programs

Programming, wrote Dijkstra many years ago, is a branch of applied mathematics. That is only half of the picture: the other half is engineering, and this dual nature of programming is part of its attraction.

Descriptions of the mathematical side are generally, in my view, too complicated. This article [1] presents a mathematical theory of programs and programming based on concepts taught in high school: elementary set theory. The concepts covered include:

  • Programming.
  • Specification.
  • Refinement.
  • Non-determinism.
  • Feasibility.
  • Correctness.
  • Programming languages.
  • Kinds of programs: imperative, functional, object-oriented.
  • Concurrency (small-step and large-step)
  • Control structures (compound, if-then-else and Dijkstra-style conditional, loop).
  • State, store and environment.
  • Invariants.
  • Notational conventions for building specifications and programs incrementally.
  • Loop invariants and variants.

One of the principal ideas is that a program is simply the description of a mathematical relation. The program text is a rendering of that relation. As a consequence, one may construct programming languages simply as notations to express certain kinds of mathematics. This approach is the reverse of the usual one, where the program text and its programming languages are the starting point and the center of attention: theoreticians develop techniques to relate them to mathematical concepts. It is more effective to start from the mathematics (“unparsing” rather than parsing).

All the results (74 properties expressed formally, a number of others in the text) are derived as theorems from rules of elementary set theory; there are no new axioms whatsoever.

The paper also has a short version [2], omitting proofs and many details.


[1] Theory of Programs, available here.
[2] Theory of Programs, short version of [1] (meant for quick understanding of the ideas, not for publication), available here.


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Understanding and assessing Agile: free ACM webinar next Wednesday

ACM is offering this coming Wednesday a one-hour webinar entitled Agile Methods: The Good, the Hype and the Ugly. It will air on February 18 at 1 PM New York time (10 AM West Coast, 18 London, 19 Paris, see here for more cities). The event is free and the registration link is here.

The presentation is based on my recent book with an almost identical title [1]. It will be a general discussion of agile methods, analyzing both their impressive contributions to software engineering and their excesses, some of them truly damaging. It is often hard to separate the beneficial from the indifferent and the plain harmful, because most of the existing presentations are of the hagiographical kind, gushing in admiration of the sacred word. A bit of critical distance does not hurt.

As you can see from the Amazon page, the first readers (apart from a few dissenters, not a surprise for such a charged topic) have relished this unprejudiced, no-nonsense approach to the presentation of agile methods.

Another characteristic of the standard agile literature is that it exaggerates the contrast with classic software engineering. This slightly adolescent attitude is not helpful; in reality, many of the best agile ideas are the direct continuation of the best classic ideas, even when they correct or adapt them, a normal phenomenon in technology evolution. In the book I tried to re-place agile ideas in this long-term context, and the same spirit will also guide the webinar. Ideological debates are of little interest to software practitioners; what they need to know is what works and what does not.


[1] Bertrand Meyer, Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly, Springer, 2014, see Amazon page here, publisher’s page here and my own book page here.

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Awareness and merge conflicts in distributed development (new paper)

Actually not that new: this paper [1] was published in August of last year. It is part of Christian Estler’s work for this PhD thesis, defended a few weeks ago, and was pursued in collaboration with Martin Nordio and Carlo Furia. It received the best paper award at the International Conference on Global Software Engineering; in fact this was the third time in a row that this group received the ICGSE award, so it must have learned a few things about collaborative development.

The topic is an issue that affects almost all software teams: how to make sure that people are aware of each other’s changes to a shared software base, in particular to avoid the dreaded case of a merge conflict: you and I are working on the same piece of code, but we find out too late, and we have to undergo the painful process of reconciling our conflicting changes.

The paper builds once again on the experience of our long-running “Distributed and Outsourced Software Engineering” course project, where students from geographically spread universities collaborate on a software development [2]. It relies on data from 105 student developers making up twelve development teams located in different countries.

The usual reservations about using data from students apply, but the project is substantial and the conditions not entirely different from those of an industrial development.

The study measured the frequency and impact of merge conflicts, the effect of insufficient awareness (no one told me that you are working on the same module that I am currently modifying) and the consequences for the project: timeliness, developer morale, productivity.

Among the results: distribution does not matter that much (people are not necessarily better informed about their local co-workers’ developments than about remote collaborators); lack of awareness occurs more often than merge conflicts, and causes more damage.



[1] H-Christian Estler, Martin Nordio, Carlo A. Furia and Bertrand Meyer: Awareness and Merge Conflicts in Distributed Software Development, in proceedings of ICGSE 2014, 9th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Shanghai, 18-21 August 2014, IEEE Computer Society Press (best paper award), see here.

[2] Distributed and Outsourced Software Engineering course and project, see here. (The text mentions “DOSE 2013” but the concepts remains applicable and it will be updated.)

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Framing the frame problem (new paper)

Among the open problems of verification, particularly the verification of object-oriented programs, one of the most vexing is framing: how to specify and verify what programs element do not change. Continuing previous work, this article presents a “double frame inference” method, automatic on both sides the specification and verification sides. There is no need to write frame specifications: they will be inferred from routine postconditions. For verification, the method computes the set of actually changed properties through a “change calculus”, itself based on the previously developed alias calculus.

Some verification techniques, such as Hoare-style proofs, require significant annotation effort and potentially yield full functional verification; others, such as model checking and abstract interpretation, have more limited goals but seek full automation. Framing, in my opinion, should be automatic, freeing the programmer-verifier to devote the annotation effort to truly interesting properties.


[1] Bertrand Meyer: Framing the Frame Problem, in Dependable Software Systems, Proceedings of August 2014 Marktoberdorf summer school, eds. Alexander Pretschner, Manfred Broy and Maximilian Irlbeck, NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series D: Information and Communication Security, Springer, 2015 (to appear), pages 174-185; preprint available here.

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Detecting deadlock automatically? (New paper)

To verify sequential programs, we have to prove that they do the right thing, but also that they do it within our lifetime — that they terminate. The termination problem is considerably harder with concurrent programs, since they add a new form of non-termination: deadlock. A set of concurrent processes or threads will deadlock if they end up each holding a resource that another wants and wanting a resource that another holds.

There is no general solution to the deadlock problem, even a good enough general solution. (“Good enough” is the best we can hope for, since like many important problems deadlock is undecidable.) It is already hard enough to provide run-time deadlock detection, to be able at least to cancel execution when deadlock happens. The research reported in this new paper [1] pursues the harder goal of static detection. It applies to an object-oriented context (specifically the SCOOP model of concurrent OO computation) and relies fundamentally on the alias calculus, a static alias analysis technique developed in previous publications.

The approach is at its inception and considerable work remains to be done. Still, the example handled by the paper is encouraging: analyzing two versions of the dining philosophers problem and proving — manually — that one can deadlock and the other cannot.


[1] Bertrand Meyer: An automatic technique for static deadlock prevention, in PSI 2014 (Ershov Informatics Conference), eds. Irina Virbitskaite and Andrei Voronkov, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2015, to appear.; draft available here.

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Analysis of agile methods: book signing in Paris this Friday at 5 PM

The Paris computer science bookstore Le Monde en Tique is organizing, this coming Friday, Oct. 3, starting at 5 PM, a signing session for my book Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly [1].

About the book (for readers new to this site): it provides a cold-blooded analysis of agile methods and examines their claims, their value and their limitations.

Le Monde en Tique is well known to technology aficionados in Paris and far beyond. Jean Demétreaux and his team established it at a time when it was hard, slow and expensive to order technical books from international publishers. While other legendary bookstores such a Stacey’s in San Francisco had to close in response to competition from chain stores and Internet offerings, le Monde en Tique (a pun on “tique” words such as informatics and bureautics, and also on ICT, in French TIC) has found new markets and lives on. It is set in a historic building in the medieval heart of Paris [2]. They already organized such book signings for the publication of the French translation of Object-Oriented Software Construction [3] and of Touch of Class, the latter reported in this blog [4]. If you are nearby, please come on Friday!


[1] Bertrand Meyer: Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly, Springer, 2014,  Amazon page: here, book page: here.

[2] Book signing announcement with access instructions: here.

[3] Bertrand Meyer: Conception et Programmation Orientées Objet (translation of Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall), Eyrolles, Paris 2008, book page here.

[4] Knuth and Company, article on this blog, 19 October 2009, see here.

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Accurately Analyzing Agility

Book announcement:

Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly
Bertrand Meyer
Springer, 2014 (just appeared)
Book page: here.
Amazon page: here.
Publisher’s page: here

A few years ago I became fascinated with agile methods: with the unique insights they include; with the obvious exaggerations and plainly wrong advice they also promote; and perhaps most of all with the constant intermingling of these two extremes.

I decided to play the game seriously: I read a good part of the agile literature, including all the important books; I sang the song, became a proud certified Scrum Master; I applied many agile techniques in my own work.

The book mentioned above is the result of that study and experience. It is both a tutorial and a critique.

The tutorial component was, I felt, badly needed. Most of the agile presentations I have seen are partisan texts, exhorting you to genuflect and adopt some agile method as the secret to a better life. Such preaching has a role but professionals know there is no magic in software development.  Agile! describes the key agile ideas objectively, concretely, and as clearly as I could present them. It does not introduce them in a vacuum, like the many agile books that pretend software engineering did not exist before (except for a repulsive idea, the dreaded “waterfall”). Instead, it relates them to many other concepts and results of software engineering, to which they bring their own additions and improvements.

Unfortunately, not all the additions are improvements. Up to now, the field has largely been left (with the exception of Boehm’s and Turner’s 2005 “Guide for the Perplexed“) to propaganda pieces and adoring endorsements. I felt that software developers would benefit more from a reasoned critical analysis. All the more so that agile methods are a remarkable mix of the best and the worst; the book carefully weeds out — in the terminology of the title — the ugly from the hype and the truly good.

Software developers and managers need to know about the “ugly”: awful agile advice that is guaranteed to harm your project. The “hype” covers ideas that have been widely advertised as shining agile contributions but have little relevance to the core goals of software development. The reason it was so critical to identify agile ideas belonging to these two categories is that they detract from the “good”, some of it remarkably good. I would not have devoted a good part of the last five years to studying agile methods if I did not feel they included major contributions to software engineering. I also found that some of these contributions do not get, in the agile literature itself, the explanations and exposure they deserve; I made sure they got their due in the book. An example is the “closed-window rule”, a simple but truly brilliant idea, of immediate benefit to any project.

Software methodology is a difficult topic, on which we still have a lot to learn. I expect some healthy discussions, but I hope readers will appreciate the opportunity to discuss agile ideas in depth for the greater benefit of quality software development.

I also made a point of writing a book that (unlike my last two) is short: 190 pages, including preface, index and everything else.

The table of contents follows; more details and sample chapters can be found on the book page listed above.

     1.1 VALUES
          Organizational principles
          Technical principles
     1.3 ROLES
     1.4 PRACTICES
          Organizational practices
          Technical practices
     1.5 ARTIFACTS
          Virtual artifacts
          Material artifacts
          Not new and not good
          New and not good
          Not new but good
          New and good!

          Proof by anecdote
          When writing beats speaking
          Discovering the gems
          Agile texts: reader beware!
          Proof by anecdote
          Slander by association
          Unverifiable claims
          Postscript: you have been ill-served by the software industry!

          Requirements engineering techniques
          Agile criticism of upfront requirements
          The waste criticism
          The change criticism
          The domain and the machine
          Is design separate from implementation?
          Agile methods and design
          CMMI in plain English
          The Personal Software Process
          CMMI/PSP and agile methods
          An agile maturity scale

     4.3 A USABLE LIST
          Put the customer at the center
          Let the team self-organize
          Maintain a sustainable pace
          Develop minimal software
          Accept change
          Develop iteratively
          Treat tests as a key resource
          Do not start any new development until all tests pass
          Test first
          Express requirements through scenarios

     5.1 MANAGER
     5.3 TEAM
     5.5 CUSTOMER

     6.1 SPRINT
          Sprint basics
          The closed-window rule
          Sprint: an assessment
     6.6 OPEN SPACE
          The code ownership debate
          Collective ownership and cross-functionality

          Pair programming concepts
          Pair programming versus mentoring
          Mob programming
          Pair programming: an assessment
          The refactoring concept
          Benefits and limits of refactoring
          Incidental and essential changes
          Combining a priori and a posteriori approaches
          The TDD method of software development
          An assessment of TFD and TDD

     8.1 CODE
     8.2 TESTS
     8.5 VELOCITY
     8.12 IMPEDIMENT

          The fox and the hedgehog
          Lean Software’s Big Idea
          Lean Software’s principles
          Lean Software: an assessment
          XP’s Big Idea
          XP: the unadulterated source
          Key XP techniques
          Extreme Programming: an assessment
     9.4 SCRUM
          Scrum’s Big Idea
          Key Scrum practices
          Scrum: an assessment
     9.5 CRYSTAL
          Crystal’s Big Idea
          Crystal principles
          Crystal: an assessment


          Deprecation of upfront tasks
          User stories as a basis for requirements
          Feature-based development and ignorance of dependencies
          Rejection of dependency tracking tools
          Rejection of traditional manager tasks
          Rejection of upfront generalization
          Embedded customer
          Coach as a separate role
          Test-driven development
          Deprecation of documents
     11.2 THE HYPED
     11.3 THE GOOD


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New article: contracts in practice

For almost anyone programming in Eiffel, contracts are just a standard part of daily life; Patrice Chalin’s pioneering study of a few years ago [1] confirmed this impression. A larger empirical study is now available to understand how developers actually use contracts when available. The study, to published at FM 2014 [2] covers 21 programs, not just in Eiffel but also in JML and in Code Contracts for C#, totaling 830,000 lines of code, and following the program’s revision history for a grand total of 260 million lines of code over 7700 revisions. It analyzes in detail whether programmers use contracts, how they use them (in particular, which kinds, among preconditions, postconditions and invariants), how contracts evolve over time, and how inheritance interacts with contracts.

The paper is easy to read so I will refer you to it for the detailed conclusions, but one thing is clear: anyone who thinks contracts are for special development or special developers is completely off-track. In an environment supporting contracts, especially as a native part of the language, programmers understand their benefits and apply them as a matter of course.


[1] Patrice Chalin: Are practitioners writing contracts?, in Fault-Tolerant System, eds. Butler, Jones, Romanovsky, Troubitsyna, Springer LNCS, vol. 4157, pp. 100–113, 2006.

[2] H.-Christian Estler, Carlo A. Furia, Martin Nordio, Marco Piccioni and Bertrand Meyer: Contracts in Practice, to appear in proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2014), Singapore, May 2014, draft available here.

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