Archive for June 2012

The most beautiful monument of Europe


The most beautiful of all monuments in Europe is not the palace of Versailles, notwithstanding the Hall of Mirrors with its endless reflections of chandeliers and pillars, notwithstanding the fairy-tale grace of the Trianons, notwithstanding the sumptuous Hall of Congresses where the 1919 peace conference put a formal end … read the entire text. Le plus beau des monuments d’Europe n’est pas Versailles, malgré sa Galerie des Glaces où se reflètent à l’infini les lustres et les pilastres, malgré ses Trianons, malgré son imposante Salle du Congrès où prit officiellement fin, en 1919, … lire le texte complet en français.


Yes, I know, this is supposed to be a technology blog.

There are, however, times like right now when intellectuals should not remain silent — especially engineers and scientists.

I wrote the text referenced above several years ago; I don’t remember the exact date but it sounds very much Maastricht-aftermath. I have circulated it to a few friends, but think the time has come to publish it.

I am quite aware that unfolding events may make it look ridiculous. And then what? I will have done my tiny bit to bring people back to reason.

Note: I do not remember the provenance of the photograph. If informed, I would be happy to add the proper acknowledgment.

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